import org.eclipse.smarthome.model.script.ScriptServiceUtil // import org.eclipse.smarthome.core.library.items.StringItem import java.util.HashMap import java.util.HashSet val TAG_FileName = "IFT605SmartClothes.rules" val smartClothesID = "12345678" var Contact currentRoom var MQTTBroker currentMQTTBroker // managing context var boolean goodConditions = true // of course, only one of good/bad conditions is required var boolean badConditions = false var badConditionsStartTime = 0 // in milliseconds val URGE_TO_CHANGE_ROOM_TIME_TRIGGER = 300000 // 5 minutes // managing people in the room var people = new HashSet() var luminanceMeasures = new HashMap() var noiseMeasures = new HashMap() // j'entre dans une pièce val iEnter = [ ContactItem room, String smartClothesID, MQTTBroker broker | broker.sendCommand(CONNECT); broker.sendCommand(SUBSCRIBE, "room/1/#"); broker.sendCommand(SUBSCRIBE, "smartclothes/#"); broker.sendCommand(SUBSCRIBE, "room/1/tag/+"); broker.sendCommand(SUBSCRIBE, "smartclothes/+/sensor/luminance"); broker.sendCommand(SUBSCRIBE, "smartclothes/+/sensor/noise"); // informer que l'on vient d'entrer dans la pièce broker.sendCommand(PUBLISH, smartClothesID+"/status", "Online") vibrationPatch.sendCommand(OFF) ] // je sors de une pièce val iQuit = [ ContactItem room, String smartClothesID, MQTTBroker broker | broker.sendCommand(UNSUBSCRIBE, "room/1/#"); broker.sendCommand(UNSUBSCRIBE, "smartclothes/#"); broker.sendCommand(UNSUBSCRIBE, "room/1/tag/+"); broker.sendCommand(UNSUBSCRIBE, "smartclothes/+/sensor/luminance"); broker.sendCommand(UNSUBSCRIBE, "smartclothes/+/sensor/noise"); // informer que l'on vient d'entrer dans la pièce broker.sendCommand(PUBLISH, smartClothesID+"/status", "Offline") ] // le vêtement entre dans une pièce val someoneEnterInRoom = [ String smartClothesID | people.add(smartClothesID) ] val someoneQuitRoom = [ String smartClothesID | people.remove(smartClothesID) noiseMeasures.remove(smartClothesID) luminanceMeasures.remove(smartClothesID) ] // fonctions utilitaires pour la gestion du contexte // autre solutions pour calculer les moyennes, utiliser les HashMap luminanceMeasures et noiseMeasures val Integer averageLuminance = [ | Luminance.state ] val Integer averagenoise = [ | Noise.state ] val boolean checkGoodConditions = [ Integer roomLuminance, Integer roomNoise | return (LUMINOSITE_MIN < roomLuminance || roomLuminance < LUMINOSITE_MAX) && (NIVEAU_SONORE_MIN < roomNoise || roomNoise < NIVEAU_SONORE_MAX) ] val reactToNewConditions = [ | goodConditions = checkGoodConditions(averageLuminance(), averageNoise()) badConditions = !goodConditions if (goodConditions) { badConditionsStartTime = 0 vibrationPatch.sendCommand(OFF) // rapprocher l'éclairage de la valeur optimale if (Luminance.state < LUMOINOSITE_OPTIMALE) { stripIntensity.sendCommand(INCREASE) } else { stripIntensity.sendCommand(DECREASE) } } else { // Éviter de rester trop longtemps dans des conditions défavorables vibrationPatch.sendCommand(ON) if (badConditionsStartTime == 0){ badConditionsStartTime = now.getMillis(); } if (now.getMillis() - badConditionsStartTime > URGE_TO_CHANGE_ROOM_TIME_TRIGGER) { vibrationPatch.sendCommand(ON) } } ] rule "Démarrage de openHAB" when System started then logInfo(TAG_FileName, "Rule : Démarrage de openHAB") currentRoom = room1 currentMQTTBroker = room1MQTT iEnter(currentRoom, smartClothesID, currentMQTTBroker) end // Diffuser les mesures de ses capteurs aux autres vêtements intelligents rule "lecture d'une mesure de luminosité par le capteur du vêtement" when // Item luminance received update Member of Luminance received update then var sensorName = var value = triggeringItem.state currentMQTTBroker.sendCommand(PUBLISH, "smartclothes/"+smartClothesID+"/sensor/luminance", value) end rule "lecture d'une mesure de bruit par le capteur du vêtement" when // Item noise received update Member of Noise received update then var sensorName = var value = triggeringItem.state currentMQTTBroker.sendCommand(PUBLISH, "smartclothes/"+smartClothesID+"/sensor/noise", value) end // Gérer son contexte ambiant rule "nouvelle mesure de bruit publiée par le courtier MQTT" when currentMQTTBroker "smartclothes/+/sensor/noise" changed then noiseMeasures.put(extractID(triggeringItem.newState.topic), trigerringItem.newState.value) reactToNewConditions() end rule "nouvelle mesure de bruit publiée par le courtier MQTT" when currentMQTTBroker "smartclothes/+/sensor/luminance" changed then luminanceMeasures.put(extractID(triggeringItem.newState.topic), trigerringItem.newState.value) reactToNewConditions() end // Tenir compte des arrivées et départs de personnes dans la salle rule "arrivée d'une personne" when // si on n'utilise pas le mécanisme des dernières volontés de MQTT, // il faut surveiller les éléments pertinents à la main // currentMQTTBroker "room/+/tag" changed //lecture d'un tag RFID // or currentMQTTBroker "smartclothes/+/sensor/luminance" changed // member of Luminance changed // or currentMQTTBroker "smartclothes/+/sensor/noise" changed currentMQTTBroker "+/status " changed to "Online" //lecture d'un tag RFID then String triggeringSmartClothesID = extractID(triggeringItem.newState.topic) someoneEnterInRoom(triggeringSmartClothesID) end // Tenir compte des arrivées et départs de personnes dans la salle rule "départ d'une personne" when currentMQTTBroker "+/status " changed to "Offline" //lecture d'un tag RFID then String triggeringSmartClothesID = extractID(triggeringItem.newState.topic) someoneQuitRoom(triggeringSmartClothesID) end rule "Arrêt de openHAB" when System shuts down then logInfo(TAG_FileName, " Rule : Arrêt de openHAB") // sauvegarder les états des items et le contexte iQuit(currentRoom, smartClothesID, currentMQTTBroker) end