#################################### LOCALE #################################### # The default language that should be used. If not specified, the system default locale is used. # The ISO 639 alpha-2 or alpha-3 language code (if there is no alpha-2 one). # Example: "en" (English), "de" (German), "ja" (Japanese), "kok" (Konkani) # #org.openhab.i18n:language= # The region that should be used. # ISO 3166 alpha-2 country code or UN M.49 numeric-3 area code. # Example: "US" (United States), "DE" (Germany), "FR" (France), "029" (Caribbean) # #org.openhab.i18n:region= # A time zone can be set from the user interface. The underlying system's time zone is the default. # #org.openhab.i18n:timezone= # The location of this installation. # Coordinates as ,[] # Example: "52.5200066,13.4049540" (Berlin) # #org.openhab.i18n:location= # The measurement system is used for unit conversion. # 2 values are accepted: # - SI: Metric # - US: Imperial (US) # #org.openhab.i18n:measurementSystem= ################################# PERSISTENCE ################################## # The persistence service to use if no other is specified. # #org.openhab.persistence:default= #################################### AUDIO ##################################### # This parameter defines the default audio source to use (if not set, the first available one will be used. # #org.openhab.audio:defaultSource= # This parameter defines the default audio sink to use (if not set, the first available one will be used. # #org.openhab.audio:defaultSink= #################################### VOICE ##################################### # This parameter defines the default text-to-speech service to use (if not set, the first available one will be used. # #org.openhab.voice:defaultTTS= # This parameter defines the default speech-to-text service to use (if not set, the first available one will be used. # #org.openhab.voice:defaultSTT= # The default voice to use if no specific TTS service or voice is specified. # #org.openhab.voice:defaultVoice= # The default human language interpreter to use if no other is specified. # #org.openhab.voice:defaultHLI= # The default keyword spotting service to use if no other is specified. # #org.openhab.voice:defaultKS= # The magic word to spot before initiating a dialog. # #org.openhab.voice:keyword= # If provided, the item will be switched on during the period when the dialog processor has spotted the keyword and is listening for commands. # #org.openhab.voice:listeningItem= # Listening Melody: A melody to be played to advertise the user the dialog processing is going to start. # This is a spaced separated list of notes. Example: "A O:100 A':50" # Leave empty to disable it. # #org.openhab.voice:listeningMelody= # Enable TTS caching: true to allow TTS services to cache audio files on disk. # #org.openhab.voice:enableCacheTTS=true # TTS Cache Size: the limit size of the TTS cache (in kB). # #org.openhab.voice:cacheSizeTTS=10240 ################################### SITEMAP #################################### # Defines how the members of a group are sorted in UI. # 3 values are accepted: # - NONE: No sorting # - LABEL: Sorted by label # - NAME: Sorted by name # #org.openhab.sitemap:groupMembersSorting=NONE #################################### CHART ##################################### # Defines the default height in pixels for the chart to build. # #org.openhab.chart:defaultHeight=240 # Defines the default width in pixels for the chart to build. # #org.openhab.chart:defaultWidth=480 # Defines the scale to apply to the requested chart height (0.5 to divide by 2 for example). # #org.openhab.chart:scale=1 # Defines the maximum width in pixels for the chart to build. # #org.openhab.chart:maxWidth= ################################### NETWORK #################################### # Primary address subnet (e.g. # #org.openhab.network:primaryAddress= # A broadcast address (e.g. # #org.openhab.network:broadcastAddress= # Use only one IP address per interface and family. # #org.openhab.network:useOnlyOneAddress=false # Use IPv6 Addresses if available. # #org.openhab.network:useIPv6=true ################################## EPHEMERIS ################################### # This parameter defines the default list of usual non workable days for the Ephemeris service. # The value has to be surrounded by square brackets ('[' and ']') and optionally contain value delimiters - a comma ',' to be interpreted as a list of values. # Example: [SATURDAY,SUNDAY] # #org.openhab.ephemeris:dayset-weekend=[SATURDAY,SUNDAY] # See https://jollyday.sourceforge.net/data.html for help with the following parameters. # This parameter defines the specific country to get the holidays for. # Examples: Germany = "de", United States of America = "us" # #org.openhab.ephemeris:country= # This parameter defines the specific region/state to get the holidays for. # Examples: New York = "ny", Baden-Wuerttemberg = "bw" # #org.openhab.ephemeris:region= # This parameter defines the specific city to get the holidays for. # Examples: München = "mu" # #org.openhab.ephemeris:city= ################################# MISCELLANOUS ################################# # The karaf sshHost parameter configures the bind address for the ssh login to karaf. # Default is (localhost), so it is only possible to login from the local machine. # # Setting this to the address of another network interfaces will allow login from this network. # Setting this to will allow login from all network interfaces. # # !!! Security warning !!! # Remember to change default login/password, if you allow external login. # See https://www.openhab.org/docs/administration/console.html for details. # #org.apache.karaf.shell:sshHost = # Cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) is a browser security feature that restricts cross-origin # HTTP requests that are initiated from scripts running in the browser. Setting this option to 'true' # will disable the browser cross-origin check. This is required if you want to use a web UI that is not # hosted on the openHAB server domain. #org.openhab.cors:enable=true ################################### REST API ################################### # Allow the use of Basic authentication to access protected API resources, in addition to access tokens and API tokens # #org.openhab.restauth:allowBasicAuth=true # When basic authentication is activated, credentials are put in a cache in order to speed up request # authorization. The entries in the cache expire after a while in order to not keep credentials in memory indefinitely. # This value defines the expiration time in hours. Set it to 0 for disabling the cache. # #org.openhab.restauth:cacheExpiration=6 # By default, operations requiring the "user" role are available when unauthenticated. # Disabling this option will enforce authorization for these operations. # Warning: This causes clients that do not support authentication to break. # #org.openhab.restauth:implicitUserRole=false # Grant implicit user role to requests originating from these networks. # Comma separated list of CIDR. # This value is ignored if "org.openhab.restauth:implicitUserRole" is enabled. # #org.openhab.restauth:trustedNetworks=, ############################### LANGUAGE SERVER ################################ # The port the language server listens to. # #org.openhab.lsp:port=5007 ################################# JSON STORAGE ################################# # Sets the number of backup files to keep. # #org.openhab.storage.json:backup_files=5 # Sets the time to wait before writing changes to disk. This can reduce the number of writes when many changes are being introduced within a short period. # The value is specified in milliseconds # #org.openhab.storage.json:write_delay=500 # Sets the maximum period the service will wait to write data to disk in the event that many changes are happening continually. # The value is specified in milliseconds # #org.openhab.storage.json:max_defer_delay=30000 ################################# MARKETPLACE ################################## # If set to false no add-ons from the community marketplace will be shown. Already installed add-ons will still be available. # #org.openhab.marketplace:enable=true # Include entries which have not been tagged as published. Warning: this may include entries that are not ready and might not work or harm your installation. # Enable at your own risk, for testing purposes only. # #org.openhab.marketplace:showUnpublished=false # Specify the API key to use on the community forum (for staff and curators - this allows for instance to see content which is not yet reviewed or otherwise hidden from the general public). # Leave blank if you don't have one. # #org.openhab.marketplace:apiKey= ############################# JSON ADD-ON SERVICE ############################## # Pipe (|) separated list of URLS that provide 3rd party add-on services via Json files. # Warning: Bundles distributed over 3rd party add-on services may lack proper review and can potentially contain malicious code and thus harm your system. # #org.openhab.jsonaddonservice:urls= # Include entries which have not been tagged as "stable". These add-ons should be used for testing purposes only and are not considered production-system ready. # #org.openhab.jsonaddonservice:showUnstable=false #################################### INBOX ##################################### # If enabled, an Inbox result matching an existing thing is automatically ignored. # If set to false, the Inbox may contain results although identical things already exist. # #org.openhab.inbox:autoIgnore=true # If enabled, Inbox results are automatically approved, unless they were marked as ignored. # #org.openhab.inbox:autoApprove=false