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2022-11-15 17:17:03 +00:00
% Maxime Resume/CV
% Structure Specification File
% Original author:
% Frits Wenneker ( with extensive modifications by
% Maxime Paulin (
% License:
% CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 (
\usepackage{XCharter} % Use the Bitstream Charter font
\usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} % Required for inputting international characters
\usepackage[T1]{fontenc} % Output font encoding for international characters
\usepackage[top=1cm,left=1cm,right=1cm,bottom=1cm]{geometry} % Modify margins
\usepackage{graphicx} % Required for figures
\usepackage{flowfram} % Required for the multi-column layout
\usepackage{url} % URLs
\usepackage[usenames,dvipsnames]{xcolor} % Required for custom colours
\usepackage{tikz} % Required for the horizontal rule
\usepackage{enumitem} % Required for modifying lists
\setlist{noitemsep,nolistsep} % Remove spacing within and around lists
\setlength{\columnsep}{\baselineskip} % Set the spacing between columns
% Define the left frame (sidebar)
% Small static frame for the vertical line
% Content of the static frame with the vertical line
\tikz{\draw[loosely dotted,color=RoyalBlue,line width=1.5pt,yshift=0](0,0) -- (0,\textheight);}
% Define the right frame (main body)
\pagestyle{empty} % Disable all page numbering
\setlength{\parindent}{0pt} % Stop paragraph indentation
\newcommand{\userinformation}[1]{\renewcommand{\userinformation}{#1}} % Define a new command for the CV user's information that goes into the left column
\newcommand{\cvheading}[1]{{\Huge\bfseries\color{RoyalBlue} #1} \par\vspace{.6\baselineskip}} % New command for the CV heading
\newcommand{\cvsubheading}[1]{{\Large\bfseries #1} \Sep} % New command for the CV subheading
\newcommand{\Sep}{\vspace{1em}} % New command for the spacing between headings
\newcommand{\SmallSep}{\vspace{0.5em}} % New command for the spacing within headings
\newcommand{\aboutme}[2]{ % New command for the about me section
\textbf{\color{RoyalBlue} #1}~~#2\par\Sep
\newcommand{\CVSection}[1]{ % New command for the headings within sections
\SmallSep % Used for spacing
\newcommand{\CVItem}[2]{ % New command for the item descriptions
\textbf{\color{RoyalBlue} #1}\par
\SmallSep % Used for spacing
\newcommand{\bluebullet}{\textcolor{RoyalBlue}{$\circ$}~~} % New command for the blue bullets